Monday 15 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. quitting smoking
2. a balanced diet
3. infectious diseases
4. overall well-being
5. hydrated

1. Eating _____ can prevent many chronic diseases.
2. Drinking plenty of water each day helps keep the body _____.
3. Adequate sleep is crucial for _____.
4. Vaccinations are important for preventing _____.
5. _____ greatly reduces the risk of lung cancer and heart disease.

The answer key

1. a balanced diet
2. hydrated
3. overall well-being
4. infectious diseases
5. Quitting smoking

Sunday 14 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. lethal to
2. feed on
3. ran out of petrol
4. buzzing
5. injects

1. The snake _____ the venom immediately after biting its prey.
2. An insect was _____ around the room.
3. The pesticide is _____ all insect life.
4. We _____ and had to walk to the nearest garage.
5. Owls _____ insects, birds, and small mammals.

The answer key

1. injects
2. buzzing
3. lethal to
4. ran out of petrol
5. feed on

IELTS topic: Growing up
Exercise 1

Use the following words and phrases to complete the sentences.
1. develop 2. conflict 3. in common 4. between 5. break down 6. bond

1. My sister and I have totally different tastes. In fact we don’t have much …………… at all.
2. There is a very close …………… between a mother and a newborn baby.
3. It is important to …………… a good working relationship with your work colleagues.
4. A relationship can easily …………… if you don’t work at it.
5. I really admire the relationship …………… my mother and my grandmother.
6. There can be a lot of …………… between teenagers and their parents.

The answer key
1. in common 2. bond 3. develop 4. break down 5. between 6. conflict
IELTS Vocabulary: Education (2)

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. career opportunities
2. fosters
3. investing in
4. social stability
5. combat

1. Education _____ personal growth and development.
2. Education can prevent crime and promote _____.
3. Higher education expands _____.
4. Education can help _____ social inequalities.
5. Investing in education is _____ the future.

The answer key

1. fosters
2. social stability
3. career opportunities
4. combat
5. investing in

1. promotes
2. peace, justice, social harmony
3. opportunities
4. reduce
5. important, essential
IELTS Vocabulary: Education (1)

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. the cycle of poverty
2. nurtured
3. Access to education
4. foundation
5. shaping

1. Education is the _____ of a successful society.
2. Quality education can break _____.
3. Teachers play a crucial role in _____ young minds.
4. _____ is a fundamental human right.
5. Critical thinking skills are _____ through a good education.

The answer key

1. foundation
2. the cycle of poverty
3. shaping
4. Access to education
5. nurtured

1. cornerstone, bedrock
2. the circle of illiteracy
3. moulding
4. education, the right to education, schooling
5. developed, cultivated, honed

Saturday 13 July 2024

Errors in the use of nouns (1)
Correct each of the following sentences.
1. They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the sceneries.
2. The wood is used for making fine furnitures.
3. We were advised to seek legal advices.
4. Rival fans shouted abuses at each other.
5. He began his speech with a few lines of poetries.

The answer key
1. They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
2. The wood is used for making fine furniture.
3. We were advised to seek legal advice.
4. Rival fans shouted abuse at each other.
5. He began his speech with a few lines of poetry.

Friday 12 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. arise
2. occupied with
3. defer to
4. at pains
5. showed

1. We will ___ (= agree to) whatever the committee decides.
2. Call this number if any unforeseen emergency should ___.
3. She ___ no emotion at the verdict.
4. Only half her time is ___ politics.
5. I have been ___ (= try very hard) to emphasize the positive aspects of discipline.

The answer key
1. defer to
2. arise
3. showed
4. occupied with
5. at pains

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. under threat of extinction
2. deferred
3. behavioural traits
4. go further back
5. occupied in

1. The department ___ (= put off) the decision for six months.
2. You will be mainly ___ checking sales records.
3. To answer that question we need to ___ in time.
4. Many wild plants are ___.
5. We do not know which ___ are inherited and which acquired.

The answer key
1. deferred
2. occupied in
3. go further back
4. under threat of extinction
5. behavioural traits
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. was based on
2. running high
3. mixed emotions
4. cultivated
5. emphasize

1. It is important to ___ this point.
2. They expressed ___ at the news.
3. The decision ___ emotion rather than rational thought.
4. Emotions are ___ (= people are feeling very excited, angry, etc.) .
5. The land around here has never been ___.

The answer key
1. emphasize
2. mixed emotions
3. was based on
4. running high
5. cultivated

Thursday 11 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. adopted different approaches to
2. chopped up into
3. lost control of
4. disease afflicts
5. cultivate rice

1. He ___ his emotions.
2. The people ___ and beans.
3. The country was ___ small administrative areas.
4. All three teams ___ the problem.
5. The ___ an estimated two million people every year.

The answer key
1. lost control of
2. cultivate rice
3. chopped up into
4. adopted different approaches to
5. disease afflicts

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. build
2. strengthen
3. foster
4. overpower
5. far into

1. Police finally managed to ___ the gunman.
2. We want to ___ a better life.
3. We worked ___ the night.
4. The club's aim is to ___ (= encourage, promote) better relations within the community.
5. The new evidence will ___ their case.

The answer key
1. overpower
2. build
3. far into
4. foster
5. strengthen

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. occupied
2. chop
3. rightly emphasizes 
4. eliminate
5. withholding

1. The new law ___ parental responsibility.
2. She was accused of ___ information from the police.
3. ___ the carrots up into small pieces.
4. We need something to keep the children ___.
5. Try to ___ fatty foods from your diet.

The answer key
1. rightly emphasizes
2. withholding
3. chop
4. occupied
5. eliminate
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. eliminated
2. glowing
3. monitoring
4. visitors to Spain
5. houses

1. First-time ___ are often surprised by how late people eat.
2. The UN would play a major role in ___ a ceasefire.
3. The museum ___ a fine collection of textiles.
4. The risk cannot be ___ altogether.
5. Her face was ___ with happiness.

The answer key
1. visitors to Spain
2. monitoring
3. houses
4. eliminated
5. glowing
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. busy with
2. character traits
3. keep yourself occupied
4. finely chopped
5. fully occupied

1. She shares several ___ with her father.
2. He's ___ looking after three small children.
3. The most important thing is to ___.
4. Let's get ___ the clearing up.
5. Add the ___ onions.

The answer key
1. character traits
2. fully occupied
3. keep yourself occupied
4. busy with
5. finely chopped
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. sanctified
2. trace the origin of
3. getting into
4. busy with
5. preoccupied

1. Nabeela is ___ her homework.
2. It’s difficult to ___ some words.
3. She seemed ___ all the time I was talking to her.
4. She was ___ the shower when the doorbell rang.
5. The priest ___ their marriage.

The answer key
1. busy with
2. trace the origin of
3. preoccupied
4. getting into
5. sanctified

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. a slave to
2. suffering hardship
3. chopping
4. loss of the crop
5. ultimately result in

1. A heavy frost could result in ___.
2. These policies resulted in many elderly people ___.
3. All these things will ___ you losing weight.
4. Sue's ___ fashion.
5. He was ___ logs for firewood.

The answer key
1. loss of the crop
2. suffering hardship
3. ultimately result in
4. a slave to
5. chopping
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. tentative steps
2. under threat of extinction
3. took great pains
4. not every day
5. take drastic steps

1. He ___ (= tried very hard) to dress well for the occasion.
2. The country is taking its first ___ towards democracy.
3. It's ___ you get the chance to work with someone of her talent.
4. We need to ___ to reduce pollution.
5. Many wild plants are ___.

The answer key
1. took great pains
2. tentative steps
3. not every day
4. take drastic steps
5. under threat of extinction
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. preoccupied with
2. regretted over
3. got out of
4. dropping out of
5. on the advice of

1. He bitterly ___ having mentioned it.
2. I never regretted ___ college.
3. He was too ___ his own thoughts to notice anything wrong.
4. ___ his experts he bought another company.
5. I've just ___ the shower.

The answer key
1. regretted over
2. dropping out of
3. preoccupied with
4. On the advice of
5. got out of
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. coincidentally
2. came to regret
3. slaves of
4. preferential
5. a heavy shower

1. Don't expect to get ___ (special) treatment.
2. ___ (= by chance), they had both studied in Paris.
3. We were caught in ___.
4. We are ___ the motor car.
5. I soon ___ my action.

The answer key
1. preferential
2. Coincidentally
3. a heavy shower
4. slaves of
5. came to regret

Monday 8 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. allusion
2. bowed our heads
3. ruined
4. insinuation
5. an extraordinary friendship

1. She resented the ___ that she was too old for the job.
2. His reputation was ___ by insinuation and rumour.
3. We ___ in prayer.
4. It's the story of ___ between a boy and a seal.
5. He made some ___ to the years they lived apart.

The answer key
1. insinuation
2. ruined
3. bowed our heads
4. an extraordinary friendship
5. allusion
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. foresee
2. a close friendship
3. shouting insults at
4. hung her head
5. bowed to

1. The crowd were ___ the police.
2. We do not ___ any problems.
3. She ___ in shame.
4. They ___ the Queen.
5. They formed ___ at college.

The answer key
1. shouting insults at
2. foresee
3. hung her head
4. bowed to
5. a close friendship
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. hurling abuse at
2. a bright future for
3. wet with
4. confide in
5. was predicted

1. The grass was ___ the morning dew.
2. The other driver started ___ me.
3. She used to ___ him whenever she had a problem.
4. It ___ that inflation would continue to fall.
5. He predicts ___ the business in the next financial year.

The answer key
1. wet with
2. hurling abuse at
3. confide in
4. was predicted
5. a bright future for
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. angered at
2. deeply embittered by
3. a good appetite
4. predict
5. confide in

1. They were becoming ___ the government’s lack of concern.
2. It is important to have someone you can ___.
3. Nobody could ___ the outcome.
4. He was ___ the lack of attention being shown him.
5. The walk gave me ___.

The answer key
1. deeply embittered by
2. confide in
3. predict
4. angered at
5. a good appetite

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. thrown into
2. loss of appetite
3. retrieve some of the stolen money
4. angered by
5. muggings

1. He suffered from headaches and ___.
2. ___ are relatively infrequent (= rare) in this area.
3. She was ___ their selfishness and lack of concern.
4. Three grenades were ___ the corridor.
5. The police have managed to ___.

The answer key
1. loss of appetite
2. Muggings
3. angered by
4. thrown into
5. retrieve some of the stolen money

Sunday 7 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. wet with
2. satiated
3. prepare for
4. shake hands
5. a monthly stipend

1. He drank greedily until his thirst was ___.
2. As a student advisor, she gets ___ from the college.
3. Do people in Italy ___ when they meet?
4. His face was ___ tears.
5. Ask your teacher for advice on how to ___ the exam.

The answer key
1. satiated
2. a monthly stipend
3. shake hands
4. wet with
5. prepare for
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. aim in life
2. highest paid entertainer
3. the largest city
4. many parts of the world
5. increase sales

1. French is spoken in ___.
2. Which is ___ in the world?
3. He's the world's ___.
4. Our main aim is to ___ in Europe.
5. Bob's one ___ is to earn a lot of money.

The answer key
1. many parts of the world
2. the largest city
3. highest paid entertainer
4. increase sales
5. aim in life

Saturday 6 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. titles
2. of
3. lowered
4. from
5. to

1. She was told her son had died in the service ___ humanity.
2. Politicians were seen as indifferent ___ the hard-working middle class.
3. Children can start school ___ the age of four.
4. The voting age was ___ from 21 to 18 years.
5. ‘Minister’ is one of several diplomatic ___.

The answer key
1. of
2. to
3. from
4. lowered
5. titles

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. lavishly
2. lavish
3. gag
4. on
5. to

1. He was mounted ___ the finest horse you could ever see.
2. She entertains her friends ___.
3. She commutes ___ the city by car every day.
4. The new laws are seen as an attempt to ___ the press.
5. They lived a very ___ lifestyle.

The answer key
1. on
2. lavishly
3. to
4. gag
5. lavish

Friday 5 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. dying breath
2. documented
3. to
4. inspired
5. retained

1. As a teacher, she has ___ generations of students.
2. She asked him with her ___ to take care of her child.
3. She still ___ many friends from childhood.
4. Sarah was absolutely indifferent ___ him, and it hurt.
5. It is well ___ that men die younger than women.

The answer key
1. inspired
2. dying breath
3. retained
4. to
5. documented
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. drew
2. to
3. from
4. cherished
5. shaped

1. What poems do you remember best ___ childhood?
2. Children need to be ___.
3. His wife sat with him until he ___ his last breath.
4. People’s political beliefs are ___ by what they see in the papers.
5. We travelled ___ Lahore by train.

The answer key

1. from
2. cherished
3. drew
4. shaped
5. to

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. title
2. from
3. to
4. consumes
5. take

1. ___ my notes I looked up.
2. Paperwork ___ time which could be better used getting on with the job itself.
3. ___ my advice. Don't do it.
4. He was given the ___ of ‘wise man’.
5. She lived ___ the age of 75.

The answer key
1. from
2. consumes
3. take
4. title
5. to

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. by
2. for
3. inclination
4. follow
5. natural

1. My ___ inclination is to find a compromise.
2. She had neither the time nor the ___ to help them.
3. She lacked any inclination ___ housework.
4. He was a loner by nature and ___ inclination.
5. You must ___ your own inclinations when choosing a career.

The answer key
1. natural
2. inclination
3. for
4. by
5. follow
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. give
2. towards
3. legend
4. under the title of
5. contains

1. ___ says that the forest is cursed.
2. His poems were published ___ ‘Love and Reason’.
3. She has no inclination ___ mysticism.
4. The book ___ a number of photographs not previously published.
5. Let me ___ you a piece of advice.

The answer key
1. legend
2. under the title of
3. towards
4. contains
5. give

Thursday 4 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. mercy
2. title
3. persisted
4. unanimous
5. seek

1. The ___ of this play is ‘Othello’.
2. Local people are ___ in their opposition to the proposed new road.
3. His death was a ___ (= because he was in great pain).
4. We were advised to ___ legal advice.
5. The belief that the earth was flat ___ for many centuries.

The answer key
1. title
2. unanimous
3. mercy
4. seek
5. persisted
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. by
2. sole means to
3. to
4. uncovered
5. from

1. Communication is the ___ understand others.
2. Archaeologists have ___ an entire Roman city.
3. Sadaf was French ___ birth but lived most of her life in Italy.
4. The boy has been blind ___ birth.
5. The document ran ___ almost 100 pages.

The answer key
1. sole means to
2. uncovered
3. by
4. from
5. to
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. significance
2. about
3. retreat
4. uncover
5. unanimous

1. My father was meticulous ___ his appearance.
2. It will be difficult to ___ the truth.
3. Do these symbols have any particular ___?
4. She was the ___ choice of the selection committee.
5. The army was forced to ___ after suffering heavy losses.

The answer key
1. about
2. uncover
3. significance
4. unanimous
5. retreat
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. meticulous
2. uncovered
3. grasp
4. alphabet
5. delving into

1. How many letters are there in the English ___?
2. She couldn't ___ the full significance of what he had said.
3. She said she was tired of journalists ___ her private life.
4. She planned her trip in ___ detail.
5. Police have ___ a plot to kidnap the President's son.

The answer key
1. alphabet
2. grasp
3. delving into
4. meticulous
5. uncovered

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
3. rest
5. no known cure
1. cured
2. illness
4. effect

1. TB is a serious illness, but it can be ___.
2. There is no known cure but the ___ can be treated.
3. The only real cure is ___.
4. Doctors cannot ___ (= make something happen) a cure if the disease has spread too far.
5. At present is there is ___ for this virus.

The answer key
1. cured
2. illness
3. rest
4. effect
5. no known cure
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. retreated
2. on
3. to
4. reached
5. from

1. She was left to reflect ___ the implications of her decision.
2. Contemporary accounts attest (= bear witness to) ___ his courage and determination.
3. Is watching television a retreat (= escape) ___ reality?
4. They ___ to a safe distance from the fighting.
5. Unanimous agreement must be ___ for this plan to go ahead.

The answer key
1. on
2. to
3. from
4. retreated
5. reached
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. promotional
2. upload
3. blank
4. video
5. on

1. The movie will be released ___ video in June.
2. Do we have a ___ video?
3. The school made a short ___ video.
4. ___ your videos and share them with friends and family online.
5. Did you remember to ___ that programme?

The answer key
1. on
2. blank
3. promotional
4. upload
5. video
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. chatting
2. attest
3. heresy
4. unanimous
5. cleanliness

1. She is, as countless stories about her ___ (= bear witness to), deeply religious.
2. The decision was not ___.
3. He passed the time ___ with fellow travellers.
4. The bathroom was in a good state of ___.
5. He was burned at the stake for ___.

The answer key

1. attest
2. unanimous
3. chatting
4. cleanliness
5. heresy
Fill in the blanks using the following prepositions.
1. of
2. on
3. in
4. into
5. at

1. As a child he excelled ___ music and art.
2. We need to purge our sport ___ racism.
3. She went ___ a retreat for nine months.
4. I don't feel I can comment ___ their decision.
5. They spent a month steeping themselves ___ Chinese culture.

The answer key
1. at
2. of
3. into
4. on
5. in
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. relocated to
2. details
3. bore
4. to
5. at

1. I was distressed ___ the news of his death.
2. I ___ him no resentment.
3. The brochure ___ all the hotels in the area and their facilities.
4. The couple ___ Karachi.
5. She is a frequent traveller ___ Lahore.

The answer key
1. at
2. bore
3. details
4. relocated to
5. to
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. gem
2. reservoir
3. directives
4. encapsulates
5. running to

1. The encyclopedia is a huge work, ___ 20 volumes.
2. The EU has issued a new set of ___ on pollution.
3. Her most recent book is a real ___.
4. We can tap into the vast ___ of information available on the internet.
5. The poem ___ (= sum up) many of the central themes of her writing.

The answer key
1. running to
2. directives
3. gem
4. reservoir
5. encapsulates

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. about
2. apprehension
3. go into details
4. breeds
5. from

1. He was blind ___ birth.
2. Some people are obsessive ___ cleanliness.
3. Inequality ___ resentment.
4. There is growing ___ that fighting will begin again.
5. I can't ___ now; it would take too long.

The answer key
1. from
2. about
3. breeds
4. apprehension
5. go into details

Monday 1 July 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions
1. achieved
2. separated
3. waning
4. excelled
5. in the face of

1. Demand for the product shows no signs of ___.
2. A number of our past students have ___ political renown.
3. She has always ___ in foreign languages.
4. The campaign continued ___ great opposition.
5. As previously reported, the couple ___ in May.

The answer key

1. waning
2. achieved
3. excelled
4. in the face of
5. separated

Can you use the following expressions in your sentences?
i. demand is waning
ii. achieve renown
iii. excel in a language
iv. in the face of opposition
v. the separation of the couple
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions
1. caught a glimpse of
2. a mercy
3. distressed by
4. enquired after
5. trace its origins back to

1. Anwar was deeply ___ the news.
2. Their family can ___ the Norman Conquest.
3. She ___ his grandfather's health.
4. It's ___ she wasn't seriously hurt.
5. He ___ her in the crowd.

The answer key
1. distressed by
2. trace its origins back to
3. enquired after
4. a mercy
5. caught a glimpse of

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. alleviate 2. gain 3. agony 4. attended to 5. ardently 1. The soldier died in _____. 2...