Monday, 23 November 2020

Learn the following phrases and sentences for writing good English


1. And then, to cap it all, it started to rain!

2. The new government has fallen prey to corruption.

3. the prospect of peace for Afghanistan

4. the government in Kabul riddled with corruption   

5. a step towards ending the war  

6. in the run-up to the American election  

7. satisfy demands  

8. keep one's promise  

9. deeply demoralised  

10. fire a shot



1. a rogue state

2. a terrorist haven 

3. Joe Biden, the president-elect, will

4. on taking office

5. negotiate in earnest 

6. atrocities against the civilian population

7. put down an armed revolt 

8. agree to peace talks 

9. firing rockets at two airports 

10. hacked to death with machetes    



1. refugees fleeing into Sudan 

2. seek refuge in Sudan 

3. fears of an ethnic conflagration  

4. enforcing the rule of law 

5. wage a guerrilla war 

6. a lack of trust between the two sides 

7. hamper efforts to end the fighting

8. massive protests brought Abiy to power 

9. flout the constitution

10. a declaration of war 


1. the health-care system 

2. wealthy patients from across the Arab world 

3. applying for jobs abroad 

4. impose a curfew 

5. testing centres are well-staffed  

6. doctors in government hospitals 

7. a less desirable career 

8. a subsistence wage 

9. spend 4,000 pounds a month on living expenses 

10. a specialist with decades of experience 


1. a public hospital     

2. underfunded hospitals 


  1. To retain the expressions given in the post, I have read them once.

  2. To retain the expressions given in the post, I have read them twice.


Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. will 2. put 3. hand in hand 4. follow 5. doom 1. I am humbled that you have _____ you...