1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. a thirst (=a strong desire for)
2. atrocities (=a shockingly cruel act)
the civilian population
3. Minos threatened war Athens in
retribution for his son’s death.
4. His statement threw the court
turmoil (=a state of great anxiety and confusion).
5. The audience watched as the story unfolded (=be gradually made
known) their eyes.
6. I passed my driving test the
first attempt.
7. This new piece of evidence invalidates (=show to be wrong) his
version events.
1. for 2. against 3. against 4. into 5. before 6. at 7. of
1. for 2. against 3. against 4. into 5. before 6. at 7. of
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She looked at my clothes
disapproval (=disapprobation).
2. Have you been invited their
3. Light poured (=flow quickly in
a continuous stream).
4. Wheat was surplus (=an amount
that is extra) that year.
5. I'll do my homework supper
(=the last meal of the day).
6. His parents kept a round-the-clock vigil
his bedside.
7. Students held a candlelit vigil
the war.
1. with 2. to 3. in 4. in 5. after 6. at 7. against
1. with 2. to 3. in 4. in 5. after 6. at 7. against
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Rosie was about to protest but thought better
it (=decide not to do sth after thinking further about it).
2. He is still held great
reverence (=feelings of deep respect or devotion) throughout the country.
3. He left a bequest (=something left in a will)
each of his grandchildren.
4. a poem written neat italic
calligraphy (=handwriting, esp. when fine)
5. an area outstanding
(=extremely good) natural beauty
6. His hot temper has landed him
(=get sb/yourself into a difficult situation) trouble before.
7. She stood rooted the spot with
fear (= unable to move).
1. of 2. in 3. to 4. in 5. of 6. in 7. to
1. of 2. in 3. to 4. in 5. of 6. in 7. to
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He has decided to quit (=leave your job, school, etc)
manager of the team.
2. The company has announced that it will undertake (=make yourself
responsible for sth and start doing it) a full investigation
the accident.
3. My son's thirteen but he's young
his age (= not as developed as other boys of the same age).
4. She never spoke to him again from that day
(=starting at the time mentioned and continuously after that).
5. Their hatred is evident their
6. He would disappear for weeks
end (=for the stated length of time, without stopping).
7. The watch is still guarantee
1. as 2. into 3. for 4. on 5. from 6. on 7. under
1. as 2. into 3. for 4. on 5. from 6. on 7. under
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. His mouth twisted a wry
(=amusing and ironic) smile.
2. He saw no reason to apprise (=tell) the committee
what had happened.
3. Airports are all alike (=very similar)
4. Don't talk your mouth full (=
when eating).
5. The article can be used to stimulate (=encourage) discussion
6. For some reason, she's got it
her head (=believes) that the others don't like her.
7. The walls were covered
1. into 2. of 3. to 4. with 5. among 6. into 7. with
1. into 2. of 3. to 4. with 5. among 6. into 7. with
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He was surrounded his numerous
progeny (=a person's children).
2. the tranquil (=quiet and peaceful) waters
the lake
3. the violence meted (=make sb
suffer bad treatment) to the prisoners
4. They're aiming (=attempt)
training everybody by the end of the year.
5. The news spread word of mouth
(=because people tell each other and not because they read about it).
6. We treat boys exactly the same
(in the same way) girls.
7. history, our people have been
oppressed (=govern or treat cruelly) and exploited.
1. by 2. of 3. out 4. at 5. by 6. as 7. throughout
1. by 2. of 3. out 4. at 5. by 6. as 7. throughout
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. This is a favourite spot (=a particular area or place)
walkers and climbers.
2. The hotel is going to be converted (=change)
a nursing home.
3. I don't feel ready to take new
4. You are bound oath (=solemn
declaration naming God etc. as witness) to tell the truth.
5. Strikes are causing severe (=extremely bad or serious)
disruption all train services.
6. The organization dispenses (=provide) free health care
the poor.
7. The coroner (=official who investigates suspicious deaths)
concurred (=agree) this assessment.
1. for 2. into 3. on 4. by 5. to 6. to 7. with
1. for 2. into 3. on 4. by 5. to 6. to 7. with
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Many families are living the
level of subsistence (=means of support).
2. rewards employees who do their
jobs well
3. Give respite (=a short delay)
a debtor.
4. The priceless treasures had been cast (=throw sb/sth somewhere,
especially using force) the Nile.
5. The lioness picked her cub up
its neck.
6. We must be consistent (=always behaving in the same way)
applying the rules.
7. Her words were a great encouragement (=help; inspiration)
1. below 2. for 3. to 4. into 5. by 6. in 7. to
1. below 2. for 3. to 4. into 5. by 6. in 7. to
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Children under five are excepted (=not include)
the survey.
2. He listened scant patience to
their supplications (=appeal made to somebody in authority).
3. A committee was appointed to enquire
(=investigate) the allegations.
4. I've finished this magazine. Can I swap (=exchange)
5. A new song began to take shape (=develop and become more
complete or organized) her mind.
6. She tried to think of a ruse (=trick) to get him
of the house.
7. For the first time in years, she felt
command (=control) of her life.
1. from 2. with 3. into 4. with 5. in 6. out 7. in
1. from 2. with 3. into 4. with 5. in 6. out 7. in
10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The new model is a testament (=evidence; proof)
the skill and dedication of the workforce.
2. She was determined to avenge (=revenge) herself
the man who had betrayed her.
3. She seems to have given (=stop
having a friendship with someone) all her old friends.
4. She cited (=quote) a passage
the President's speech.
5. I tried to nap (=sleep for a short time)
the plane.
6. We are committed furthering
the interests of our members.
7. They suffered years of repression
the hands of (=through the agency of) the old regime.
1. to 2. on 3. up 4. from 5. on 6. to 7. at
1. to 2. on 3. up 4. from 5. on 6. to 7. at
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