Thursday, 21 May 2015

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions
1. Liturgy (=a fixed form of public worship) has the power to blend people         a community.
2. He's         suspicion (=he is completely trusted).
3. Slowly he levelled (=aim) his gun         the tiger.
4. The novel constantly switches         first-person and third-person narration.
5. to be appointed Professor         French at Cambridge
6. the school is an asset         the community
7. We all felt we had done something worthwhile (=important)         the local community.

1. into 2. above 3. at 4. between 5. of 6. to 7. for

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. This case falls         my jurisdiction.
2. He showered her         gifts.
3. He showered gifts         her.
4. Disunity destroyed the Republicans         the polls.
5. The constitution is equally applicable         all citizens.
6. I survived. Someone or something had had compassion (=pity)         me.
7. She professed (=state openly; declare) herself satisfied         the progress so far.
1. outside 2. with 3. on 4. at 5. to 6. on 7. with

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. They tried         vain (=without success ) to persuade her to go.
2. a policy that they claim will eventually eliminate corruption         the industry
3. She struck (=hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon) him         the face.
4. The American Civil War began when the South seceded         the Union.
5. These attitudes are deeply embedded         our society (=felt very strongly and difficult to change).
6. I rate her         most other players of her age.
7. He strongly disapproved         the changes that had been made.
1. in 2. in 3. in 4. from 5. in 6. above 7. of

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The centre aims to free (=rid) young people         dependency         drugs.
2. They were         starvation wages (=extremely low wages).
3. The horse reared         its hind legs.
4. You can't expect people to work         free (=without payment).
5. He struck (=hit sb/sth with your hand) the table         his fist.
6. He was one of the principal architects         the revolution.
7. The rules have now been made equally applicable         all members.
1. from; on 2. on 3. up on 4. for 5. with 6. of 7. to

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She was enveloped (=cover completely)         a huge white towel.
2. They gave me free (=not restricted or controlled) access         all the files.
3. to give/bring succour (=help that you give to sb who is suffering)         the sick and wounded
4. The police are determined to free (=rid) the town         violent crime.
5. She was fortunate         that (=for the reason that; because) she had friends to help her.
6. He quickly learned the ins and outs (=all the details)         the job.
7. the people in the apartment         mine
1. in 2. to 3. to 4. of 5. in 6. of 7. above

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. His disciples asked him to pray         God.
2. He professed (=state openly; declare) his admiration         their work.
3. What's         TV tonight?
4. We live         the outskirts of Leeds.
5. The committee were unanimous         rejecting the proposal.
6. Much of the form was not applicable (=did not apply)         me.
7. He had old-fashioned ideas         how to bring up children.
1. to 2. for 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. to 7. on

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.1. I lived in London         a child.
2. He leaned back, exulting (be very happy)         the success of his plan.
3. The charge has been reduced         manslaughter (=unpremeditated killing).
4. They have a duty         their parents to work hard.
5. He enunciated (=express an idea clearly) his vision         the future.
6. Qarun had none and nothing to succour him         God.
7. The people rose         revolt (=uprising; a protest against authority).
1. as 2. at 3. to 4. to 5. of 6. against 7. in

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Such as are lost         sin are, as a rule, blind to their own failings and, therefore, not responsive         admonition.
2. I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed         the darkness.
3. The education system bears/stands no comparison         (= is not as good as) that in many Asian countries.
4. A good manager does not try to lord it         (=act as if you are better than sb) his or her team.
5. Members of the organization have to be willing to abide         the stringent (=severe; very strict) rules.
6. He was born         a devout (=deeply religious) Muslim family.
7. The theory does not seem easily applicable (=relevant)         this case.
1. in; to 2. by 3. with 4. over 5. by 6. into 7. in

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He would often retire         his den (=small private room).
2. She felt no compassion (=sympathy)         her.
3. She was lying         bed.
4. Ukraine threatened to retaliate (=hit back)         closing oil pipelines.
5. I did it         a sense of duty.
6. Local people are unanimous         their opposition         the proposed new road.
7. a study of European drama,         Ibsen         the present day
1. to 2. towards 3. in 4. by 5. out of 6. in; to7. from; to

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Finally the people revolted (=take violent action; rebel)         the military dictatorship.
2. Be harsh         them.
3. She fell         (=agree to) my idea at once.
4. Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall         this category.
5. We cannot accept children         the age of 10.
6. The bomb blew         (=explode).
7. She inherited (=receive something when somebody dies) a fortune         her father.
Answers 1. against 2. with 3. in with 4. into 5. above 6. up 7. from

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