Thursday, 21 May 2015

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions
1. Liturgy (=a fixed form of public worship) has the power to blend people         a community.
2. He's         suspicion (=he is completely trusted).
3. Slowly he levelled (=aim) his gun         the tiger.
4. The novel constantly switches         first-person and third-person narration.
5. to be appointed Professor         French at Cambridge
6. the school is an asset         the community
7. We all felt we had done something worthwhile (=important)         the local community.

1. into 2. above 3. at 4. between 5. of 6. to 7. for

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. This case falls         my jurisdiction.
2. He showered her         gifts.
3. He showered gifts         her.
4. Disunity destroyed the Republicans         the polls.
5. The constitution is equally applicable         all citizens.
6. I survived. Someone or something had had compassion (=pity)         me.
7. She professed (=state openly; declare) herself satisfied         the progress so far.
1. outside 2. with 3. on 4. at 5. to 6. on 7. with

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. They tried         vain (=without success ) to persuade her to go.
2. a policy that they claim will eventually eliminate corruption         the industry
3. She struck (=hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon) him         the face.
4. The American Civil War began when the South seceded         the Union.
5. These attitudes are deeply embedded         our society (=felt very strongly and difficult to change).
6. I rate her         most other players of her age.
7. He strongly disapproved         the changes that had been made.
1. in 2. in 3. in 4. from 5. in 6. above 7. of

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The centre aims to free (=rid) young people         dependency         drugs.
2. They were         starvation wages (=extremely low wages).
3. The horse reared         its hind legs.
4. You can't expect people to work         free (=without payment).
5. He struck (=hit sb/sth with your hand) the table         his fist.
6. He was one of the principal architects         the revolution.
7. The rules have now been made equally applicable         all members.
1. from; on 2. on 3. up on 4. for 5. with 6. of 7. to

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She was enveloped (=cover completely)         a huge white towel.
2. They gave me free (=not restricted or controlled) access         all the files.
3. to give/bring succour (=help that you give to sb who is suffering)         the sick and wounded
4. The police are determined to free (=rid) the town         violent crime.
5. She was fortunate         that (=for the reason that; because) she had friends to help her.
6. He quickly learned the ins and outs (=all the details)         the job.
7. the people in the apartment         mine
1. in 2. to 3. to 4. of 5. in 6. of 7. above

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. His disciples asked him to pray         God.
2. He professed (=state openly; declare) his admiration         their work.
3. What's         TV tonight?
4. We live         the outskirts of Leeds.
5. The committee were unanimous         rejecting the proposal.
6. Much of the form was not applicable (=did not apply)         me.
7. He had old-fashioned ideas         how to bring up children.
1. to 2. for 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. to 7. on

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.1. I lived in London         a child.
2. He leaned back, exulting (be very happy)         the success of his plan.
3. The charge has been reduced         manslaughter (=unpremeditated killing).
4. They have a duty         their parents to work hard.
5. He enunciated (=express an idea clearly) his vision         the future.
6. Qarun had none and nothing to succour him         God.
7. The people rose         revolt (=uprising; a protest against authority).
1. as 2. at 3. to 4. to 5. of 6. against 7. in

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Such as are lost         sin are, as a rule, blind to their own failings and, therefore, not responsive         admonition.
2. I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed         the darkness.
3. The education system bears/stands no comparison         (= is not as good as) that in many Asian countries.
4. A good manager does not try to lord it         (=act as if you are better than sb) his or her team.
5. Members of the organization have to be willing to abide         the stringent (=severe; very strict) rules.
6. He was born         a devout (=deeply religious) Muslim family.
7. The theory does not seem easily applicable (=relevant)         this case.
1. in; to 2. by 3. with 4. over 5. by 6. into 7. in

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He would often retire         his den (=small private room).
2. She felt no compassion (=sympathy)         her.
3. She was lying         bed.
4. Ukraine threatened to retaliate (=hit back)         closing oil pipelines.
5. I did it         a sense of duty.
6. Local people are unanimous         their opposition         the proposed new road.
7. a study of European drama,         Ibsen         the present day
1. to 2. towards 3. in 4. by 5. out of 6. in; to7. from; to

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Finally the people revolted (=take violent action; rebel)         the military dictatorship.
2. Be harsh         them.
3. She fell         (=agree to) my idea at once.
4. Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall         this category.
5. We cannot accept children         the age of 10.
6. The bomb blew         (=explode).
7. She inherited (=receive something when somebody dies) a fortune         her father.
Answers 1. against 2. with 3. in with 4. into 5. above 6. up 7. from

Sunday, 17 May 2015

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She has repented         her sins.
2. A guard was posted         the building.
3. Unrest has spilt         areas outside the city.
4. Things were very different         then.
5. She realized that she had blundered         (=find yourself in a difficult situation) a trap.
6. students demonstrating (=take part in a public meeting)         the war
7. Let me demonstrate (=show and explain)         you how it works.
1. of 2. outside 3. over into 4. back 5. into 6. against 7. to

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Government claims that there is no poverty are belied (=contradict) by the number of homeless people         the streets.
2. She's completely insensitive (=unsympathetic)         my feelings.
3. You shouldn't take everything he says         heart (=be very upset by sth that sb says).
4. His face was etched         tiredness.
5. Tiredness was etched         his face.
6. rainwater permeating         the ground
7. There's not much sustenance (=food; something, especially food, that supports life)         a bowl of soup.
1. on 2. to 3. to 4. with 5. on 6. through 7. in

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I had a letter from the people who used to live         door.
2. We must address ourselves         (=direct one's attention to) the problem of traffic pollution.
3. The doors opened and people spilled (=
come out of a place in large numbers)         the street.
4. He expounded (=explain) his views on the subject         me at great length (=
for a long time and in detail).
5. She's very modest (=not talking much)         her success.
6. In Britain, a surgeon is addressed         ‘Mr’ not ‘Dr’.
7. There was no hint of pretentiousness (=showing off)         her manner.
1. next 2. to 3. into 4. to 5. about 6. as 7. in

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He refreshed (=make sb feel less hot) himself         a cool shower.
2. You can't solve anything         just running away.
3. My thoughts turned         home.
4. They killed soldiers         their captivity.
5. Lionesses are fiercely protective         their young.
6. I've been prescribed iron tablets to make         the deficiency.
7. Her words could hardly be construed (= interpret)         an apology.
1. with 2. by 3. to 4. in 5. of 6. up 7. as

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I've always been a great believer (=believe strongly)         getting as much sleep as possible.
2. The idea for the novel sprang         (=be caused by; start from) a trip to India.
3. He called (their) attention         the fact that many files were missing.
4. After 150 years of struggle         colonial rule, the country won its independence.
5. The air was permeated         the odour of burning rubber.
6.         our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.
7. We can't make a decision based         hearsay and guesswork.
1. in 2. from 3. to 4. against 5. with 6. to 7. on

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Deficiencies         the education system have been much in the news.
2. His face was drenched (=make sb/sth completely wet)         sweat.
3. It's a difficult job but she's the person to carry it         (=complete sth successfully).
4. a prohibition         selling alcohol to people under the age of 18
5. When on stage, try not to turn your back         the audience.
6. He turned his attention         the road again.
7. There is a team of writers working in conjunction         (=together with) each other on the book.
1. in 2. with 3. through 4. against 5. on 6. back to 7. with

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She drenched (=soak) herself         perfume.
2. to guard (=take care to prevent )         accidents/disease
3. You would have no one to guard you or protect you         God.
4. to ask/beg/plead         mercy
5. I'd like to hear your thoughts         the subject.
6. They showed no mercy         their hostages.
7. God have mercy         us.
1. in 2. against 3. from 4. for 5. on 6. to 7. on

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I unravelled the string and wound it         a ball.
2. Lack of sunlight can cause deficiency         vitamin D.
3. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate (=respond)         a remark of my own.
4. Water had spilled out of the bucket         the floor.
5. The advertisements depict smoking         glamorous and attractive.
6. We were caught in the storm and got drenched         the skin.
7. She turned her back         (=reject) them when they needed her.
1. into 2. in 3. with 4. onto 5. as 6. to 7. on

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Ask/Seek pardon         your Lord.
2. He seemed genuinely remorseful         what he had done.
3. I felt guilty and full         remorse.
4. A security number had been etched on the car window as a protection         theft.
5. The door was locked         the inside.
6. She prayed fervently         his complete recovery.
7. She had repented         what she had done.
1. of 2. for 3. of 4. against 5. from 6. for 7. of

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Believers, do not push yourselves forward         the presence of God and His Messenger.
2. The novel depicts French society in the 1930s.
3. She left in 1984 and         then on she lived alone.
4. The smell of leather permeated         (=spread to every part of) the room.
5. I was surprised when he addressed (=say sth directly to sb) me         English.
6. The entire performance was imbued         sparkle and elan (=great enthusiasm and energy).
7. He had been with the company         its creation in 1989.
1. in 2. in 3. from 4. --- 5. in 6. with 7. since

Saturday, 16 May 2015

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Tom was everybody's favourite         his bouncy (=lively and full of energy), cheerful disposition (=natural tendency; temperament).
2. Her devotion (=great dedication and loyalty)         the job left her with very little free time.
3. He didn't provide         them in his will (=did not leave them any money).
4. She felt sick         (=used to show the reason for sth) tiredness.
5. Herod reigned         Palestine at that time.
6. It is a culture in which women are segregated         men.
7. The paper's assault         the president was totally unjustified.

1. with 2. to 3. for 4. from 5. over 6. from 7. on

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The party was ousted         power after eighteen years.

2. I'm looking forward         the weekend.
3. Flexibility of approach is an important prerequisite (=precondition)         successful learning.
4. Suddenly,         the twinkling of an eye (=very quickly; in an instant), her whole life had been turned upside down.
5. I went white (=pale because of emotion)         the mention of her name.
6. With reference         (=about; concerning) your letter of July 22…
7. Its brain is small         relation         (=compared with) its body.
1. from 2. to 3. to 4. in 5. at 6. to 7. in; to

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. You need a break         routine.
2. Fables can be understood         various levels.
3. Enemy troops launched an assault         the town.
4. The town walls were built as a defence         enemy attacks.
5. When her brother was criticized she leapt         his defence.
6. Conditions vary         school         school.
7. a school         the outskirts of Athens
1. from 2. on 3. on 4. against 5. to 6. from; to 7. in

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. heat         the sun

2. An assault (=attack)         the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning.
3. The concert didn't even get a mention         the newspapers.
4. She has three children to provide         (=take care of).
5. She was arrested and questioned         the fire.
6. They condemned the damage         an act of mindless (=done without thought; senseless) vandalism (=destructive action).

7. The club was segregated         smoking and non-smoking areas.
1. from 2. on 3. in 4. for 5. about 6. as 7. into

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He made no mention         her work.
2. The women were segregated         the male workers in the factory.
3.         the ambit (=scope) of federal law
4. His devotion (=great love or loyalty)         his wife and family is touching.
5. We were driving         the outskirts of Baghdad.
6. The company name was spelled         in gold (=bright yellow in colour, like gold) letters.
7. to have/show a disposition (=natural tendency; temperament)         violence

1. of 2. from 3. within 4. to 5. through 6. out 7. towards

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. the quest         happiness / knowledge / truth
2. The charity tonight launched its crusade         homelessness.
3. He was asleep         a twinkling (=a very short time).
4. She pondered         (=think about) his words.
5. The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come         all the classes.
6. ties         kindred (=the fact of being related to another person)
7.  He was blind         birth.
1. for 2. against 3. in 4. over 5. to 6. of 7. from

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The cabinet rallied (=come together)         the Prime Minister.

2. the laws pertaining         adoption
3. The store sells everything         shoelaces         computers.
4. Please answer questions         the space provided.
5. He set off         quest         adventure.
6. The following is a summary         our conclusions.
7.         summary, this was a disappointing performance.
1. behind 2. to 3. from; to 4. in 5. in; of 6. of 7. in

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. It would be imprudent (=unwise) to invest all your money         one company.
2. Discussions are currently being held         national level.
3. I refuse to sink         their level (=behave as badly as them).
4. Morsi was deposed         the military in July 2013.
5. They want to sully the face         Islam.
6.         cheating they have sullied (=spoil; reduce the value of) the good name of their country.
7. quotations         Shakespeare

1. in 2. at 3. to 4. by 5. of 6. by 7. from

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. They are connected         marriage.
2. jobs connected with         environment
3. A handful of families have reigned         Bangkok's economy for many years.
4. There must be adequate recompense         workers who lose their jobs.
5. Everyone rejoiced         the news of his safe return.
6. I have some comments to make         relation         (=concerning) this matter.
7. He didn’t like the media probing (=investigate)         his past.
1. by 2. with 3. over 4. for 5. at 6. in; to 7. into

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. the relation         rainfall and crop yields
2. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.
3. She relinquished (=stop having) possession of the house         her sister.
4. Such decisions are outside the remit (=mandate) of this committee.
5. He was there         the request of his manager /         his manager’s request (=because his manager had asked him to go).
6. The writer’s name was withheld         request (=because the writer asked for this to be done).
7. What exactly is required         a receptionist (=what are they expected to do)?

1. between 2. to 3. to 4. outside 5. at; at 6. by 7. of

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. will 2. put 3. hand in hand 4. follow 5. doom 1. I am humbled that you have _____ you...