Monday, 10 November 2014

The Express Tribune editorial 18 12 2011
The go-between[1] in the memogate affair, General (r) James Jones, former US national security adviser, has said something that will damage the case being built at the Supreme Court against President Zardari. He says Mansoor Ijaz did not once mention Husain Haqqani as the origin of the memo and his reference to “the highest authority in Pakistan” did not win his credence[2]. General Jones has repeated that he did not think that the document which he passed onto then US military chief Admiral Mike Mullen was credible[3]. There is also a discrepancy[4] between the dates of contact with General Jones given by Mansoor Ijaz and those given by General Jones himself.
What the retired US general has said is part of an affidavit[5] that will be submitted to the honourable court by Mr Haqqani’s lawyer Asma Jahangir. This additional testimony could well affect the drift[6] of the case. Some observers think that the parties to the dispute, President Asif Ali Zardari and army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani have already decided to let the crisis subside[7] — after taking note of a long cordial[8] meeting between Prime Minister Gilani and General Kayani on December 16. Additionally, it is being said that the deposition[9] filed by the ISI chief, General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, is a personal submission to the honourable court. More and more commentators are of the view that the memogate case should not have gone to the Supreme Court and a parliamentary inquiry should have been concluded first. As far as the military is concerned, it was primarily[10] opposed to the ambassadorship of Mr Haqqani who, after his exit, now stands as the sole permanent casualty[11] of memogate.

[1] a person who takes messages between one person or group and another
[2] confidence; belief in something as true
[3] trustworthy; that can be believed or trusted
[4] a difference between two or more things that should be the same
[5] a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court
[6] a general development or change in a situation
[7] become calmer or quieter
[8] pleasant and friendly
[9] a formal statement, taken from somebody and used in court
[10] mainly; chiefly
[11] victim; a person that suffers or a thing that is destroyed when something else takes place

The coincidence of the anniversary of the secession[1] of East Pakistan with the case at the Supreme Court has unleashed[2] a spurt[3] of negative opinion about the military. And the Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report, long kept secret, is being studiously[4] reread and quoted on TV programmes. This is apparently not the time to besiege[5] the government and despatch[6] it before its mandated[7] term in office. This is clear from the statement of Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif which, while referring to his many meetings with General Kayani, hopes that the army will “do nothing unconstitutional”. And if the army — the aggrieved[8] party in the memogate case — is no longer in favour of removing the PPP government prematurely[9], why should the Supreme Court focus on the issue too closely[10]? If the case is finally more political than legal, should the Supreme Court lend itself to[11] pulling the opposition’s chestnuts out of the fire[12]? After hearing both sides it can still say that the quarrel is political and should be resolved in light of the findings of the parliamentary committee inquiring into the memogate affair. The fact is that the PPP has its coalition majority firmly in place and its partners in power are not budging[13] from their supportive[14] positions. The latest developments will buttress[15] their resolve further. Not even the erstwhile[16] ally, the JUI, which has removed its ministers from the cabinet, is willing to concede[17] that the government should be made to go home at this juncture.

[1] the fact of an area or group becoming independent from the country or larger group that it belongs to
[2] release suddenly a strong, uncontrollable and usually destructive force; vent; let loose
[3] a sudden increase in speed, effort, activity or emotion for a short period of time
[4]in a careful way, with all your attention; industriously
[5] surround a building, city, etc. with soldiers until the people inside are forced to let you in; lay siege to
[6] send somebody/something somewhere, especially for a special purpose
[7] having a mandate to do something
[8] suffering unfair or illegal treatment and making a complaint
[9] happening before the normal or expected time
[10] carefully and thoroughly
[11] adapt to; be suitable for something
[12] do someone else’s dangerous or unpleasant task
[13] move very slightly
[14] showing agreement and giving encouragement; helpful and sympathetic
[15] make stronger
[16] one-time; former; previous
[17] allow someone to have something, even though you do not want to; grant; compromise

The next series of signals from the military are going to be decisive because of its status of supremacy in the country. The effect of all this may well be that the ruling PPP becomes mere putty in the hands of[1] the army than ever before. It will, in all likelihood, redouble[2] its efforts to appear to be backing the army, now that Ambassador Haqqani is out of the way and a more acceptable ambassador is going to take his place. This will go down well with parliament which is clearly anti-American, and with the people who already cordially[3] do not look kindly on the Americans. What was showing the army chief in a bad light was the speculation that in September 2013, when his extension expires, he might want to be able to stay on by manipulating[4] the political system. That speculation will now evaporate to clear the air of all unseemly[5] rumours. Many heretofore[6] hidden corners of the country’s power relationships will be lighted up[7] during the hearings. And after it is clear where the army-PPP relationship stands post-memogate, even the NRO case might begin to be seen in a different light.

[1] easily controlled or influenced by another person
[2] greatly increase your effort as you try to do something
[3] warmly; affectionately
[4] control or influence somebody/something, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it
[5] improper; not polite or suitable for a particular situation
[6] before this time
[7] become or to make something become bright with light or colour

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