Sunday, 15 September 2013

Lessons from Iraq, Libya loom large as diplomats ponder Syrian weapons probe

When Moammar Gaddafi renounced chemical weapons in 2003, the Libyan dictator surprised skeptics by moving quickly to eliminate his country’s toxic arsenal. He signed international treaties, built a disposal facility and allowed inspectors to oversee the destruction of tons of mustard gas.

But Gaddafi’s public break with weapons of mass destruction was not all that it seemed. Only after his death in 2011 did investigators learn that he had retained a large stash of chemical weapons. In a hillside bunker deep in Libya’s southeastern desert, Gaddafi had tucked away hundreds of battle-ready warheads loaded with deadly sulfur mustard.

(The Washington Post, 15 September 2013)
toxic chemicals/ gases
a collection of weapons such as guns and explosives
Britain’s nuclear arsenal
mustard gas
a poisonous gas that burns the skin
a secret store
a stash of money
tuck away
put in a safe or secluded place
She kept his letters tucked away in a drawer.
destructive material carried by missile
nuclear warheads
a chemical element

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