Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. feel
2. feeling
3. avoid
4. regrettable
5. a way of life

1. You have no _____ for the sufferings of others.
2. It is _____ that the police were not informed sooner.
3. She has a real _____ for language.
4. The key is to _____ extremes.
5. The internet has become _____ for most of us.

Answer key

1. feeling
2. regrettable
3. feel
4. avoid
5. a way of life

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. attenuates
2. incorporate
3. repay
4. overcome
5. expert

1. They were unable to _____ debts.
2. She is a world _____ on butterflies.
3. The drug _____ the effects of the virus.
4. _____ this information into our report.
5. Amjad was _____ with grief.

Answer key
1. repay
2. expert
3. attenuates
4. incorporate
5. overcome
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. impactful
2. inaccurate
3. loathed
4. passing
5. safe side

1. The speech was very _____.
2. He _____ hypocrisy.
3. The book is historically _____.
4. To be on the _____, she had recorded everything.
5. Many will mourn her _____ (= death).

Answer key
1. impactful
2. loathed
3. inaccurate
4. safe side
5. passing

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. will 2. put 3. hand in hand 4. follow 5. doom 1. I am humbled that you have _____ you...