Sunday 30 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. all of whom
2. give up
3. waned
4. tried
5. to

1. He has dedicated his life ___ scientific research.
2. He counselled them to ___ the plan.
3. She ___ various remedies, but none of them worked.
4. Sarah has four sons, ___ have autism.
5. Their popularity ___ during that period.

The answer key
1. to
2. give up
3. tried
4. all of whom
5. waned
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. from
2. persists
3. relocated
4. a new era of peace
5. to this day

1. ___, I still don't know what happened.
2. The belief ___ to this day.
3. He purged extremists ___ the party.
4. The company ___ its head office to Lahore.
5. This is the start of ___ and prosperity.

The answer key
1. To this day
2. persists
3. from
4. relocated
5. a new era of peace
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
4. adept at
2. exemplar
1. persist
5. purge
3. revitalized

1. If the symptoms ___, consult your doctor.
2. I’ve never regarded myself as an ___ of virtue.
3. The local economy has been ___.
4. He became ___ getting even the shyest students to talk.
5. His first act as leader was to ___ the party of extremists.

The answer key
1. persist
2. exemplar
3. revitalized
4. adept at
5. purge
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. highly recommended
2. holds
3. reciprocated
4. reintroduced
5. home remedy

1. He smiled but his smile was not ___.
2. Thirty-six states have ___ the death penalty.
3. His book was ___.
4. The best ___ for a sore throat is honey and lemon.
5. The institute ___ evening classes throughout the year.

The answer key
1. reciprocated
2. reintroduced
3. highly recommended
4. home remedy
5. holds
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. consumes
2. cure
3. follow
4. medium height
5. ushered in

1. The ___ took six weeks.
2. He was a man of ___ with a broad brow.
3. The fall of the Berlin Wall ___ a whole new era.
4. My new car ___ much less fuel.
5. ___ your doctor's advice .

The answer key
1. cure
2. medium height
3. ushered in
4. consumes
5. Follow
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. to
2. immortalized
3. rewarded
4. from
5. losing

1. Our patience was finally ___ and we got the band's autographs.
2. She knew ___ past experience that Khalid would not give up easily.
3. The service will soon be extended ___ other areas of the UK.
4. The fans were ___ patience with the team.
5. He will be forever ___ in the history books.

The answer key
1. rewarded
2. from
3. to
4. losing
5. immortalized

Saturday 29 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. reciprocated
2. from
3. for
4. to
5. showing

1. Locals ___ animals affected by blazes.
2. They thanked him for ___ so much patience.
3. She very kindly invited me ___ lunch.
4. We invited them to dinner and a week later they ___.
5. It is important to try and learn ___ experience.

The answer key
1. for
2. showing
3. to
4. reciprocated
5. from

Friday 28 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. right now
2. real worry for
3. sufficient
4. brought on by
5. release from prison

1. A heart attack can be ___ stress and worry.
2. Mugging is a ___ many old people.
3. The news of his ___ added further to her worries.
4. I'm not hungry ___ but I probably will be in a couple of hours.
5. One dose should be ___.

The answer key
1. brought on by
2. real worry for
3. release from prison
4. right now
5. sufficient

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. advances in technology
2. prominent figure
3. downturn
4. relocate
5. inventor

1. AI cannot be recognised as an ___.
2. According to our panel of leading industry experts, a ___ is inevitable.
3. Mary is now often seen as a ___ in history.
4. ___ would, it was hoped, improve the quality of life.
5. Some were unwilling to ___.

The answer key

1. inventor
2. downturn
3. prominent figure
4. advances in technology
5. relocate
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. illness
2. in moderation
3. intuition
4. sufficient time
5. word of advice

1. He was now completely cured of his ___.
2. A ___. Don't wear that dress.
3. Red meat should be consumed ___.
4. ___ told her that he had spoken the truth.
5. Allow ___ to get there.

The answer key
1. illness
2. word of advice
3. in moderation
4. Intuition
5. sufficient time

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. virtues
2. was dressed in
3. in the face of
4. an honour to
5. defer to

1. She is ___ the profession.
2. She showed great courage ___ danger.
3. He preached the ___ of capitalism to us.
4. We will ___ whatever the committee decides.
5. He ___ a suit and an impeccable white shirt.

The answer key
1. an honour to
2. in the face of
3. virtues
4. defer to
5. was dressed in

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. favourite
2. boosted
3. from then on
4. consumed
5. preached to

1. Before he died he had ___ a large quantity of alcohol.
2. She had a car accident a year ago and suffered from back pain ___.
3. She ___ the congregation about forgiveness.
4. A last-minute rush by Christmas shoppers ___ sales.
5. She loved all her grandchildren but Nabeela was her ___.

The answer key
1. consumed
2. from then on
3. preached to
4. boosted
5. favourite
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. herbal remedies
2. conducive to
3. widely known as
4. at ease
5. family circle

1. He has become ___ an expert in child psychology.
2. Talk of religion was forbidden in the ___.
3. I prefer to use ___ when I have a cold.
4. He felt completely ___ (= relaxed and comfortable) with them.
5. Good eating habits are ___ good health.

The answer key
1. widely known as
2. family circle
3. herbal remedies
4. at ease
5. conducive to
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. homewards
2. counsel
3. commended
4. advocate
5. to hand

1. She was ___ on her handling of the situation.
2. Keep a pen and paper ___ (= nearby) for details of this week's competition.
3. We drove ___ in silence.
4. Most experts ___ caution in such cases.
5. The group does not ___ the use of violence.

The answer key
1. commended
2. to hand
3. homewards
4. counsel
5. advocate
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. attentive to
2. in sight of
3. landlines
4. synonymous with
5. first class

1. Wealth is not necessarily ___ happiness.
2. They always travel ___ .
3. At last we came ___ a few houses.
4. A good teacher is always ___ their students' needs.
5. A few people still prefer ___ over mobiles.

The answer key

1. synonymous with
2. first class
3. in sight of
4. attentive to
5. landlines
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. record
2. formative
3. essence
4. by
5. amid

1. It was hard to hear ___ all the cheering.
2. I love travelling ___ train.
3. Keep a ___ of your daily activities.
4. In ___, both sides agree on the issue.
5. She spent her ___ years in Africa.

The answer key
1. amid
2. by
3. record
4. essence
5. formative
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. integral to
2. affluent
3. pathways
4. retract
5. sight

1. We live in an ___ neighbourhood.
2. She caught ___ of a car in the distance.
3. New pedestrian ___ are being built alongside the road.
4. Practical experience is ___ the course.
5. They tried to persuade me to ___ my words.

The answer key
1. affluent
2. sight
3. pathways
4. integral to
5. retract

Thursday 27 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. peace of mind
2. in sight
3. true to his word
4. took a drink
5. at peace with

1. ___, he paid back the money he borrowed from us.
2. She ___ from the glass and then put it down.
3. I need to check that she is all right, just for my own ___ (= so that I do not have to worry).
4. He never felt really ___ himself.
5. There was no one ___.

The answer key
1. True to his word
2. took a drink
3. peace of mind
4. at peace with
5. in sight
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. You do not need to use all of the expressions.

1. commuters
2. ingredients
3. to hand
4. servings
5. retrace
6. breeds
7. nutrients
8. retracted

1. I'm afraid I don't have the latest figures ___ (= available).
2. He made a false confession which he later ___.
3. She turned around and began to ___ her steps towards the house.
4. ___ were heading homeward at the end of the day.
5. Nothing ___ success like success.

The answer key
1. to hand
2. retracted
3. retrace
4. commuters
5. breeds

Wednesday 26 June 2024

 Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. discreetly
2. incurred
3. the bereaved
4.  impurities
5. dedicated

1. Therapists were brought in to counsel _____.
2. Purge your heart of all _____.
3. The banks _____ huge losses.
4. He _____ his life to helping the poor.
5. She coughed _____ (tactfully) to announce her presence.

The answer key
1. the bereaved
2.  impurities
3. incurred
4. dedicated
5. discreetly
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. took an oath of allegiance
2. inclined
3. criticize
4. meditation
5. wounds

1. Physicians treat _____.
2. More and more people practise _____ on a regular basis.
3. Advertising aims to make people feel favourably _____ towards products.
4. He _____ his adopted country.
5. All you ever do is _____!

The answer key
1. wounds
2. meditation
3. inclined
4. took an oath of allegiance
5. criticize

Monday 24 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.
1. attentive to
2. prioritize
3. give advice to
4. purge the guilt from
5. to

1. The organization was formed to _____ the needs of older people.
2. Nothing could _____ her mind.
3. I prefer quality _____ quantity.
4. They _____ people with HIV and AIDS.
5. He was very _____ her when she was ill.

The answer key
1. prioritize
2. purge the guilt from
3. to
4. give advice to
5. attentive to
Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. cluttered with
2. cleansed of
3. a time of great anxiety
4. oblivious of
5. expressed scepticism about

1. He was totally _____ her feelings.
2. She felt _____ her sins after confession.
3. Her desk was _____ papers.
4. Other scientists have _____ these results.
5. Waiting for exam results is _____.

The answer key

1. oblivious of
2. cleansed of
3. cluttered with
4. expressed scepticism about
5. a time of great anxiety

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. won
2. amulets
3. to
4. at
5. waning

1. _____ are used for protection.
2. My doctor referred me _____ a specialist.
3. Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was _____ rapidly.
4. He _____ renown as a fair judge.
5. The team excels _____ turning defence into attack.

The answer key

1. amulets
2. to
3. waning
4. won
5. at

Monday 10 June 2024

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

1. brevity's
2. consumed
3. opinion
4. sufficiently
5. source

1. Rage _____ him.
2. The following day she felt _____ well to go to work.
3. We will refer to it as The Spy from now on, for _____ sake.
4. The threat of losing their jobs is a constant _____ of worry to them.
5. If you want my _____, I think you'd be crazy not to accept.

The answer key
1. consumed
2. sufficiently
3. brevity's
4. source
5. opinion

    Friday 7 June 2024

    Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

    1. impeccable
    2. notable
    3. aims and objectives
    4. repented of
    5. survived

    1. She had _____ what she had done.
    2. Some strange customs have _____ from earlier times.
    3. Her written English is _____.
    4. He worked with many _____ musicians.
    5. What are the _____ of this visit?

    The answer key

    1. repented of
    2. survived
    3. impeccable
    4. notable
    5. aims and objectives

    Wednesday 5 June 2024

    Fill in the blanks using the following expressions.

    1. for nothing
    2. at hand
    3. afflicted with
    4. reverted to
    5. underwent

    1. Help was _____.
    2. About 40 per cent of the country's population is _____ the disease.
    3. After her divorce she _____ her maiden name.
    4. My mother _____ major surgery last year.
    5. I got this painting _____ from a friend.

    Vocabulary notes
    at hand: close to you and available to be used
    afflicted: plagued, tormented
    revert to: go back or return to (an earlier state, condition, situation, etc.)
    undergo: experience, feel, suffer, endure, undertake, go through
    for nothing: free or without paying

    The answer key

    1. at hand
    2. afflicted with
    3. reverted to
    4. underwent
    5. for nothing

    Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. alleviate 2. gain 3. agony 4. attended to 5. ardently 1. The soldier died in _____. 2...