Friday, 5 May 2017

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Humankind has always dreamt        happiness.
2. She was singled        (= choose sb/sth from a group for special attention) for criticism.
3. He was singled        as the outstanding performer of the games.
4. man's obligations        God
5. This is an obligation binding        the virtuous.
6. Prayer is an obligation on the believers to be observed        its appointed time.
7.        the direct command of Lieutenant Sykes
1. of 2. out 3. out 4. towards 5. upon 6. at 7. under

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Teachers do not have much time for one-to-one contact        their students.
2. The local civilians don't take orders        the military.
3. The ship was to set sail at once,        the admiral's orders.
4. The artist was revolutionary        both subject matter and technique.
5. The mixture will solidify (= become solid)        toffee.
6. He persisted        his questioning.
7. The United States won most        the track and field events.
1. with 2. from 3. on 4. in 5. into 6. with 7. of

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She's determined to put her new ideas        practice (= action rather than ideas).
2. My solicitor is no longer        practice.
3. The doctor tried to wean her        (= make somebody gradually stop doing or using something) sleeping pills.
4. She left the courtroom flanked (= have somebody on one or both sides)        armed guards.
5. Why do you persist        blaming yourself for what happened?
6. Reading is        vital importance in language learning.
7. The policy is to integrate children with special needs        ordinary schools.
1. into 2. in 3. off 4. by 5. in 6. of 7. into

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. neglected children living        the most appalling conditions
2. The sky was void        (= completely lacking) stars.
3. She was given exemption        the final examination.
4. Entry is only allowed        payment of (= when something has been paid) the full registration fee.
5. What exactly is the influence of television        children?
6. She came        the influence of Sartre at this period.
7. He described the attack        the work of savages (= a cruel and violent person).
1. under 2. of 3. from 4. on 5. on 6. under 7. as

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. an environment conducive        (= contributing or helping) learning
2. She had clearly been remiss (=negligent)        her duty.
3. Just to put you        the picture—there have been a number of changes here recently.
4. The house has been built exactly        our specifications.
5. A writ was filed        the High Court.
6. Are we        agreement about the price?
7. If prices rise the country could slide        anarchy.
1. to 2. in 3. in 4. to 5. in 6. in 7. into

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The country plunged        virtual anarchy and economic collapse.
2. Ministers are worried        this current of anti-government feeling.
3. Her laughter soon dissipated the tension (= dispel)        the air.
4. It was love        first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met).
5. She gazed        the murky (= not clear) depths of the water.
6. They don't mix much        (= socialize) the neighbours.
7. She felt a bond of affection        the other girls.
1. into 2. by 3. in 4. at 5. into 6. with 7. for

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The company is divesting itself        (= get rid of sth) some of its assets.
2. I'll just go and check        (= make sure that there is nothing wrong with sb) the children.
3. a bid (= an effort to obtain sth)        power
4. The kidnappers threatened him        dire consequences if their demands were not met immediately.
5. She was completely infatuated        (= obsessed with) him.
6. Steep the fruit        (= put food in a liquid and leave it for some time) brandy overnight.
7. I called the office to update (= bring up to date) them        the day's developments.
1. of 2. on 3. for 4. with 5. with 6. in 7. on

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He was disgraced and stripped        his title.
2. I hate the way she puts        airs.
3. a crown encrusted        (= covered with) diamonds
4. He's only staying here        sufferance (= with unwilling permission).
5. Voters continue to rate education high        their list of priorities.
6. Writing poetry liberated (= free) her        the routine of everyday life.
7. liberation        poverty
1. of 2. on 3. with 4. on 5. on 6. from 7. from

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Deliver (=save) us        evil.
2. A journalist should always live up        the ideals of truth, decency, and justice.
3. his modesty        his achievements
4. A great sense of relief flooded (=affect sb suddenly and strongly)        him.
5. The words flooded him        self-pity.
6. I couldn't help drifting        (= gradually start to sleep) in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring!
7. The omens (= portend)        their future success are not good.
1. from 2. to 3. about 4. over 5. with 6. off 7. for

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The Emperor kept himself aloof        (= to not become involved in) the people.
2. He thought of New York as a den (= a place where people meet in secret)        iniquity.
3. The blame lies        the police, who failed to act quickly enough.
4. I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue        your head (= speak politely).
5. the similitude (= the state of being similar to)        humans and gorillas
6. To William he had written a letter full of the gravest admonitions, urging him to think carefully about what he was committing himself       .
7. The sergeant lifted an admonitory finger        us.
1. from 2. of 3. with 4. in 5. between 6. to 7. at

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. It was a lavish reception        befitted (= be appropriate for) a visitor of her status.
2. This state        affairs (= a situation) can no longer be ignored.
3. I felt I was being an encumbrance (= burden)        them.
4. He's very knowledgeable        Latin American culture.
5. She's very knowledgeable        all kinds of music.
6. He was well aware        the problem.
7. We acted according        the instructions we received.
1. as 2. of 3. to 4. about 5. about 6. of 7. to

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
       your permission, I'd like to say a few words.
2. The present whereabouts        the manuscript is unknown.
3. Rival fans hurled abuse 
       each other.
4. They begged police to take him 
5. There was a wariness 
       her tone.
6. He takes 
       (= begin sth such as a job) his duties next week.
7. Missiles were fired        the enemy.
1. with 2. of 3. at 4. away 5. in 6. up 7. at

 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. God has absolved you        any obligation in this respect.
2. The Prophet often stressed a believer's moral obligation        his neighbours.
3. The warriors are exempted        the obligation of keeping their arms with them while praying.
4. His revolutionary ardour (=passion) was an example        his followers.
5. her conduct        her husband
6. His voice was throbbing (=pulsate)        emotion.
7. I'll back you        (= support) if they don't believe you.
1. from 2. towards 3. from 4. to 5. towards 6. with 7. up

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Unless You turn away their guile from me, I might yet yield        their allure.
2. Such a development seems unlikely, at least        the short term.
3.        the longer term, children of depressed mothers are more likely to suffer from childhood depression.
4. The sound of loud music emanated        (= issue from) the building.
5. The proposal originally emanated        (= issue from) the UN.
6. Two main partners pull in opposite directions        EU matters.
7. We are committed        improving services.
1. to 2. in 3. in 4. from 5. from 6. on 7. to

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The government remains committed        protecting Green Belt areas.
2. A third of the population is living        or below the poverty line.
3. the gyration (= rotation) of the earth        its axis
4. If we don't make a profit, my job is        the line (= at risk).
5. an air        nonchalance (= indifference)
6. You cannot deny this opportunity        me.
7. The murder sent shock waves 
       the whole community.
1. to 2. at 3. on 4. on 5. of 6. to 7. through

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. They drew lots (= choose by lot)        the right to go first.
2. The new software will prove a boon (=advantage; blessing)        Internet users.
3. They hoped to enlist (= obtain) the help of the public        solving the crime.
4. They both enlisted (= join one of the armed forces)        1915.
5. She is not noted        her largesse (= she is not generous).
6.  We're        dire (= very serious) need of your help.
7. The firm is       dire straits (= in a very difficult situation) and may go bankrupt.
1. for 2. to 3. in 4. in 5. for 6. in 7. in

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Exercising regularly will pay dividends (= produce great advantages)        the end.
2. The word ‘professional’ has connotations        skill and excellence.
3. Find Laos        the globe.
4. His deeds went down        the annals of British history.
5. She was remembered        the annals of the war.
6. his first-ever (= happening for the first time) visit        London
7.  We flew home        (=through a place) Dubai.
1. in 2. of 3. on 4. in 5. in 6. to 7. via

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The paint had solidified        the tray.
2. Her health was adversely affected        the climate.
3. He wouldn't allow emotions to get        the way of (= prevent something from happening) him doing his job.
4. He was present        the meeting ex officio (=because of your job, rank or position).
5. New regulations will allow residents to travel        member states without let or hindrance (=freely).
6. to institute (= introduce) criminal proceedings        somebody
7. After her illness she was divested        (= take something away from) much of her responsibility.
1. in 2. by 3. in 4. at 5. between 6. against 7. of

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I directed my question        the chairman.
2. The victim's widow protested        the leniency of the sentence.
3. He seated himself        the desk.
4. They've got three kids and one        the way (= not yet born).
5. By then, Henry seemed less compliant (= ready to conform)        his wife's wishes than he had six months before.
6. Which is the largest city        the world?
7. French is spoken in many parts        the world
1. to 2. at 3. behind 4. on 5. with 6. in 7. of

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I spent days agonizing        whether to take the job or not.
2. She was becoming increasingly despondent (= sad, without much hope) 
       the way things were going.
3. We were fully apprised (= inform)        the situation.
4.  I don't want to go to the party, but I suppose I'd better put        an appearance (= go there for a short time).
5. For the government, the war was a welcome diversion        the country's economic problems.
6. These protests have really made the government sit 
       and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation).
7. poems reprinted        kind permission of the author
1. over 2. about 3. of 4. in 5. from 6. up 7. by

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. will 2. put 3. hand in hand 4. follow 5. doom 1. I am humbled that you have _____ you...