Tuesday, 25 October 2016

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She vaulted (= jump)         the gate.
2. She is to be buried         the family vault.
3. Bystanders claim they were manhandled (= handle a person roughly)         security guards.
4. They were manhandled         a waiting truck.
5. They inflicted a humiliating defeat         the home team.
6. We have all become habituated         (= familiar with) thinking and reacting in certain ways.
7. Years of failure have sapped (= weaker; destroy) him         his confidence.
1. over 2. in 3. by 4. into 5. on 6. to 7. of

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I take (a) pride (= a feeling of pleasure)         my work.
2. The ship was now just a speck (=a tiny spot)         the distance.
3. specks         dust
4. They suffered the ignominy (= disgrace)         defeat.
5. to have/show a disposition (=an inclination or tendency)         violence
6. people         a nervous disposition (= temperament)
7. Is the public wilfully blind         what is going on?
1. in 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. towards 6. of 7. to

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He was charged         wilful (= done deliberately) damage to property.
2. a tasty morsel (= a small amount)         food
3. He ate it all, down         the last morsel.
4. The dog was chewing (= bite continuously)         a bone.
5. One of the victims of the fire remains         a critical condition.
6. a stand-off (= deadlock)         the union and the management
7. The sound of the telephone intruded         (= have an unpleasant effect on) his dreams.
1. with 2. of 3. to 4. on 5. in 6. between 7. into

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. to hold/order an enquiry         the affair
2. A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction         the company's recent losses.
3. The decision provoked an angry reaction         local residents.
4. He has lived         (= experience a disaster or other unpleasant situation and survive it) two world wars.
5. My talk falls naturally         three parts.
6. There was continuous firing         the night.
7. He watched the election results         some apprehension (= anxiety). 
1. into 2. to 3. from 4. through 5. into 6. throughout 7. with

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The railway is still         construction. 
2. It would be seriously misleading to suggest that television has no effect         children.
3. He was very cautious (= careful) about committing himself         anything.
4. The book gives us fascinating insights (= an understanding of what sth is like)         life in Mexico.
5. I hope you have gained some insight         the difficulties we face.
6. a fresh insight         Picasso's mind
7. Some of the commercial activities were a cover         espionage (= spying).
1. under 2. on 3. to 4. into 5. into 6. into 7. for

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I see my role as being a catalyst (= a person that causes a change)         change.
2. He feels more confident         home turf (= the place where sb lives and works).
3. Instead of talking the matter         with him, she allowed her resentment to fester (= become much worse) in her mind.
4. His opinions chimed         (= agree with) the mood of the nation.
5. It was remiss (= careless of duty)         them not to inform us of these changes sooner.
6. She had clearly been remiss (= negligent negligent)         her duty.
7. A writ was served on the firm in respect         (= concerning) their unpaid bill.
1. for 2. on 3. over 4. in with 5. of 6. in 7. of

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She had clearly been remiss (= negligent negligent)         her duty.
2. They were living         the most deplorable (=shockingly bad) conditions. 
3. ‘Walk’ is the root         ‘walks’, ‘walked’, ‘walking’ and ‘walker’.
4. a writer         transcendent (= extremely great) genius
5. The second team adopted a much more rigorous (= thorough) approach         the problem.
6. Each blind student was paired (= put together)         a sighted student.
7. She is dedicated (= committed)         her job.
1. in 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. to 6. with 7. to

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 
1. The administration was tainted         scandal.
2. to be free         the taint of corruption
3. Satan is ever a betrayer         man.
4. She expended (= use or spend) all her efforts         the care of home and children.
5. He was completely bewitched (= impress)         her beauty.
6. I heard about the sale         (= by means of a particular person, system, etc.) Jane.
7. The news programme came to us         satellite.
1. with 2. from 3. of 4. on 5. by 6. via 7. via

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. We have been inundated (= overwhelm)         offers of help.
2. Fans inundated the radio station         calls.
3. He brightened         (= feel or look happier) at their words of encouragement.
4. He would never do anything that went         his conscience.
5. I'll lend it         you on condition that you bring it back tomorrow.
6. I think you'll find the wind slows you         a bit.
7. We sat in the yard feasting         (= eat a large amount of food) barbecued chicken and beer.
1. with 2. with 3. up 4. against 5. to 6. down 7. on

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. His comments left me at a loss (= not knowing what to say or do)         words.
2. I'm
        a loss what to do next.
3. She did not weaken         her resolve (= resolution).
4. The ice         the river was rock solid (= extremely hard).
5. She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment (= a promise to do sth)         Steve at the moment.
6. The party has kept its tenacious (= determined) hold         power for more than twenty years.
7. I didn't mean to leave her name         the list; it was an oversight (= inadvertent mistake).
1. for 2. at 3. in 4. on 5. to 6. on 7. off

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He owned (= admit that sth is true )        a feeling of guilt.
2. He contributed        the film in a big way (= to a great extent).
3. The beauty of the city consists        (= have sth as the main) its magnificent buildings.
4. The committee consists        (= be formed from) ten members.
5. The novelist draws heavily        (= use a supply of sth that is available to you) her personal experiences.
6. The disease is thought to have originated        the tropics.
7. There was a distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously        something else.
1. to 2. to 3. in 4. of 5. on 6. in 7. on

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. You are capable        better work than this.
2. He's quite capable of lying to get        trouble.
3. Do not think you are        the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law).
4. She didn't enlighten him        her background.
5. The computer comes        a comprehensive owner's manual.
6. What conclusions did you draw        the report?
7. We can draw some lessons for the future        this accident.
1. of 2. out of 3. above 4. about 5. with 6. from 7. from

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. a lax (= slack) attitude        health and safety regulations
2. the moral laxity        today's society
3. They drew lots (= choose by lot)        the right to go first.
4. I was the only person        deck (= the top outside floor of a ship) at that time of night.
5. As the storm began, everyone disappeared        deck(s).
6. The room was decked        (= decorate with) flowers and balloons.
7. He did not feel        braving (= face bravely) the journalists at the airport.
1. to 2. of 3. for 4. on 5. below 6. out in 7. up to

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He went        one knee and asked her to marry him.
2. He went down on his knees and begged        forgiveness.
3. She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring        a dead woman's finger.
4. I didn't think he'd stoop        (=drop your moral standards to do sth bad) cheating.
5. The authorities have shown no signs of giving        to the kidnappers' demands.
6. They hope the new drug will prove especially efficacious (= effective)        the relief of pain.
7. The committee published a hard-hitting report        the bank's management.
1. down on 2. for 3. from 4. to 5. in 6. in 7. on

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He vented his spleen (= shouted in an angry way)        the assembled crowd.
2. Costs should be kept        a minimum.
3. There isn't enough room        us, let alone any guests.
4. I didn't have any clothes, let        a passport.
5. a blanket (= covering everything) ban        tobacco advertising
6. He claimed full rights        the discovery.
7. One of the funniest episodes (= incident) in the book occurs        Chapter 6.
1. on 2. to 3. for 4. alone 5. on 6. over 7. in

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions..
1. to slice (      ) onions
2. The decision is binding        both parties.
3. It is all part        his grand design (= intention).
4. It happened—whether        accident or design —that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.
5. I had fallen        (=pass into a particular state) conversation with a man on the train.
6. The house had fallen        disrepair.
7. She is responding well        treatment.
1. up 2. on 3. of 4. by 5. into 6. into 7. to

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. How did they dispose        (= get rid of) the body?
2. It took only five minutes        the world champion to dispose of (= defeat) his opponent.
3. the French contingent (= a group of soldiers)        the UN peacekeeping force
4. a pre-emptive (= done to stop sb taking action) attack/strike        the military base
5. The ghost was exorcized        the house.
6. She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories        her mind.
7. He flies into a       rage if you even mention the subject.
1. of 2. for 3. in 4. on 5. from 6. from 7. into

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She took charge        (=accept responsibility for) the project and made sure it was finished on time.
2. He took charge        the farm after his father's death.
3. scenes from history enacted        local residents
4. I'm        orders not to let anyone in.
5. She takes orders only        the president.
6. Interest rates can be controlled        order of the central bank.
7. I heard it        the wireless.
1. of 2. of 3. by 4. under 5. from 6. by 7. on
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. a message sent        wireless
2. His horse fell        the final hurdle.
3. the lawyer appearing        behalf of the plaintiff
4. The police were issued        firearms (= gun).
5. He left the party early        the pretext of having work to do.
6. People were being arrested        the flimsiest of pretexts.
7. We need some new curtains, but these will do        the meanwhile (= for a short period of time).
1. by 2. at 3. on 4. with 5. on 6. on 7. for

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The police fired tear gas        the protesters.
2. The bullet missed his heart        less than an inch.
3. The ship was to set sail at once,        the admiral's orders.
4. The car crashed        the safety barrier and burst into flames.
5. His clothes lay        a heap on the floor.
6. She fell        (= begin to) brooding about what had happened to her.
7. He lost his balance and fell        the ground.
1. at 2. by 3. on 4. into 5. in 6. to 7. to

Saturday, 20 August 2016

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. They were not sent as guardians        them.
2. A plastic bag was floating        the water.
3. He was silent        the remainder of the journey.
4. Politicians promise the earth (=make promises that will be impossible to keep)        an election, but things are different afterwards.
5. He should take charge        Mary.
6. They rejoice        your misfortunes.
7. God shall prohibit him entrance        Paradise.

1. over 2. in 3. throughout 4. before 5. of 6. at 7. to

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. This relates to believers who,        torture or threat of death, ostensibly "recant" in order to save themselves.
2. If he died or was killed, would you revert        your old ways?
3. The Messenger was calling        you from behind.
4. She seems incapable        making a rational decision.
5. Our Lord, pour steadfastness        us and let us die in devotion to You.
6. You don't sound too bothered (=upset)        it.
7. Satan will mislead them and incite vain desires        them.

1. under 2. to 3. out to 4. of 5. upon 6. about 7. in

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She puts her heart and soul        (=make a lot of effort to do something) her work.
2. He'd come close        (=almost reach) death.
3. The welfare state never came close        (=almost do sth) eliminating poverty.
4. His comments drew an angry response        the crowd.
5.        response, she stormed out of the room.
6. There's no simple solution (= answer)        this problem.
7. The solution to last week's quiz is        page 81.

1. into 2. to 3. to 4. from 5. in 6. to 7. on

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.1. the solution of glucose        water
2. She stared at me with a blank (= showing no feeling) expression        her face.
3. She stared blankly        space, not knowing what to say next.
4. a political leader who tyrannizes (=oppress)        his people
5. I don't want people coming to see me        a sense of obligation.
6. obligations arising        your contract of employment
7. I am        no obligation to tell you my name.

1. in 2. on 3. into 4. over 5. out of 6. from 7. under

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I'm right        you on this one (= I am supporting you).
2. We are trying to uncover (=discover) the reasons        her decision.
3. The committee is comprised of representatives        both the public and private sectors.
4.        the new regime, all religions enjoy freedom of worship.
5. These laws are        effect (=in use) in twenty states.
6. Giving up smoking had a magical effect        his stamina.
7. It's a policy that will have a chilling effect        free speech.

1. behind 2. behind 3. of 4. under 5. in 6. on 7. on

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He weighed (=measure how heavy sb is) himself        the bathroom scales.
2. the essential goodness        human nature
3. Confidence is the key        success.
4. The sun sends        (=produce) light and heat.
5. It is obligatory        vets to be registered.
6.Do not alight        (=get off) a moving bus.
7. Eventually, we alighted        (=think of) the idea of seeking sponsorship.

1. on 2. of 3. to 4. out 5. for 6. from 7. on

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The law is often tardy (=slow)        reacting to changing attitudes.
2. She bound        (= tie a long thin piece of cloth around sth) his wounds.
3. That walk has tired me        (=make sb feel very tired).
4. He claimed to have the power to cast        (=get rid of, especially by using force) demons.
5. The subject of his failed marriage was quite painful        him.
6. He acquired mastery        four languages.
7. The king had absolute mastery        the country.

1. in 2. up 3. out 4. out 5. to 6. of 7. over

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He argued that man's mastery        nature was essential for human development.
2. The President set        (= expound) his views in a television broadcast.
3. He set        (=present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way) his objections to the plan.
4. She set        the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
5. The peasants rose (=begin to fight against your ruler)        revolt.
6. He called on the people to rise        the invaders.
7. He led an armed uprising        the government.

1. over 2. forth 3. out 4. out 5. in 6. up against 7. against

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Emotional matters were        no account (=not important) to them during the war.
2. He is a strident (=aggressive and determined) advocate        nuclear power.
3. a wanton (=causing harm or damage deliberately and for no acceptable reason) disregard        human life
4. the wanton killing        innocent creatures
5. She's jealous (=envious)        my success.
6. In 1983, charities were exempted (=excuse)        paying the tax.
7. His bad eyesight exempted him        military service.

1. of 2. of 3. for 4. of 5. of 6. from 7. from

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He was looking very pleased        himself (=too proud of sth you have done).
2. I'll look out        (=keep trying to find) you at the conference.
3. Her promotion aroused intense jealousy        her colleagues.
4. I felt a pang        jealousy.
5. Most Western societies are liberal        outlook (=mental attitude).
6. He had a practical outlook        life.
7. Several heads of state were        attendance (=to be present at a special event) at the funeral.

1. with 2. for 3. among 4. of 5. in 6. on 7. in

Friday, 20 May 2016

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. God is certainly able to bring him back        life.
2. Most coughs are viral        origin (= caused by a virus).
3. This particular custom has its origins        Wales.
4. He was true        his word and said nothing about it to Lisa.
5. Several countries cavilled        (=make unnecessary complaints about) the cost of the project.
6. It is important that we hold fast        (=continue to believe in) the policies.
7. He held fast        his principles.
1. to 2. in 3. in 4. to 5. at 6. to 7. to

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Beware        severing the ties of kinship.
2. God is always watching        you.
3. The government was accused of having connived (=conspire)        the security forces to permit murder.
4. Rebel forces hold sway (=power or influence)        much of the island.
5. Suddenly it dawned        me that they couldn't possibly have met before.
6. I have to be ruthlessly honest        you.
7. It is the story of a military coup which brings a brutal despot        power.
1. of 2. over 3. with 4. over 5. on 6. with 7. to

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She once ruled        (=control and have authority over) a vast empire.
2. His face was dark        rage.
3. Sue stormed out of the room        a rage.
4. He flies        a rage (=a feeling of violent anger) if you even mention the subject.
5. His false pride drives him        sin.
6. His arrogance leads him        sin.
7. Panic took hold        (=begin to have complete control over) him and he couldn't move.
1. over 2. with 3. in 4. into 5. into 6. to 7. of

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring        a dead woman's finger.
2. He knocked on the door        some trepidation (=fear).
3. My whole future is riding        (=depend on) this interview.
4. I don't care two hoots (=not to care at all)        having money, as long as I'm happy.
5. Few people can count        (=bank on) having a job for life.
6. We can't count        (=depend on) this warm weather lasting.
7. On that day there shall be no way        for them.
1. from 2. with 3. on 4. about 5. on 6. on 7. out

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She feels very cut        living in the country.
2. He cut himself        from all human contact.
3. She beguiled (=trick or deceive) them        believing her version of events.
4. He was beguiled (=attract)        her beauty.
5. She was angered        their selfishness and lack of concern.
6. Jan slammed her fist on the desk        anger.
7. They had fallen prey        corruption.
1. off 2. off 3. into 4. by 5. by 6. in 7. to

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. They have fallen lifeless        the ground.
2. Christians fell        the sin of worshipping Jesus.
3. I felt ill        ease (=feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed) in such formal clothes.
4. I've roughed        (=outline) a few ideas.
5. I've told you many a time not to ride your bike        the pavement.
6. God has placed them        your authority.
7. The placing of one's dependants        an equal footing with oneself with regard to the basic necessities of life is a categorical demand of Islam.
1. to 2. into 3. at 4. out 5. on 6. under 7. on

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She was blind        the feelings and sensitivities of other people.
2. Foreign policy has come        close scrutiny (=inspection) recently.
3. a city steeped        (=have a lot of a particular quality) history
4. a cure        poverty
5. the search        a cure for cancer
6. You see their eyes overflow        tears.
7. to satisfy his lust        (=very strong desire for) power
1. to 2. under 3. in 4. for 5. for 6. with 7. for

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She has a real lust        life (=she really enjoys life).
2. They had transgressed the bounds        (=go beyond the limit of) decency.
3. They cry out        [belated] supplication.
4. the fight        vice (=criminal activities that involve sex or drugs) on the streets
5. His behaviour was seen        another act of disobedience.
6. Whoever follows My guidance will not fall        misery.
7. They fall        utter despair.
1. for 2. of 3. in 4. against 5. as 6. into 7. into

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1.  I can't stand him, or any others        that ilk (=type; kind).
2. He's made a name
       himself (=become famous) as a talented journalist.
3. Her skills are well matched
       (=similar or equal to) the job.
4. The emergency services are working
       full stretch (=working as hard as possible) today to cope with the accident.
5. The crash reverberated (=echo)
       the house.
6. The hall reverberated (=seem to shake)
       the sound of music and dancing.
7. Repercussions of the case continue to reverberate
       (=have a strong effect on) the financial world.
1. of 2. for 3. to 4. at 5. through 6. with 7. through

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He really lusted
       (=have strong sexual desire for) me in those days.
2. It will seem they lingered in this life an evening
       most (=not more than).
3. As a news item it merits a short paragraph
4. There were 50 people there,
       the very most.
5. The town is notable (=deserving to be noticed)
       its ancient harbour.
       a few notable exceptions, everyone gave something.
7. We pour
       abundant water.
1. after 2. at 3. at 4. at 5. for 6. with 7. down

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions. 1. will 2. put 3. hand in hand 4. follow 5. doom 1. I am humbled that you have _____ you...